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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Check yourself.


I can start this article with statistics on STDs and warn you of all the infections and diseases that can come with unprotected (shit sometimes even protected) sex and it would fall on deaf ears, we all feel we know how to have sex in a healthy way and if we choose to go raw no protection, we trust our partner. No need to worry right? It’s not about that. Knowing your clear status is beyond just being negative of all STDs/Sti


It's important to be serious about your checkups when you’re sexually active. Visits with your gynecologist/urologist are very important. Getting tested regularly is vital. Regardless of your trust for your partner, the proof on paper is very reassuring. In all reality, you just never know until you do know. Getting tested regularly keeps you in the know every step of the way, every partner you pass on this sexual life journey.


There are planned parenthood locations that offer free testing and checkups all over NYC, in the event you don’t have insurance. For insurance holders, you can contact your health provider to schedule an appointment.


Generally, the rule of thumb is every 3-6 months while sexually active, whenever you get a new partner or switch partners. It’s important to know your status. It’s also important to know your partners status.


Some people aren’t mature enough to discuss sexual health status yet feel mature enough to engage in the act. I don’t see how that’s healthy. There are people who get offended when someone requires condoms during sex or even requests to see their sexual health status. While this is a major red flag for me, others tend to brush it off not wanting to further offend. This is not okay.. you should not be made to feel like you’re insulting someone’s character for wanting to know about their sexual health, especially when they want to engage in sex with you.


Just because you know your status, doesn’t mean you don’t need to know the status of your partner even when you plan to use a condom. This topic should be brought up before things get hot and steamy, judgments can be clouded and things can get crazy quick. A conversation about how your potential partner enjoys sex (sexts) should easily flow into how they manage their health and what is their current status. If that seems like a difficult conversation to have, maybe you or they are not mature enough to engage in sex.


If you have had trouble in the past discussing sexual health and no issue engaging in the act, ask yourself why was that? Replay the different situations back and analyze what are the common denominators? How did you feel? Have you ever been offended when asked your status or proof of? What offended you? Did you even know your status at the time of inquiry?


Some people live so freely they are terrified at the idea of getting tested, this is a fear that endangers many. Not knowing is scarier than knowing to me. Let’s say you did catch something, not knowing your status puts you in danger; you’re not getting the illness treated thus making it worse over time and you could be exposing it to others. You have a responsibility to keep your health intact and be updated on your status regularly, even when you feel fine.


There’s a level of peace knowing your health status in all aspects: mental/emotional, physical and sexual. As well as a higher level of trust and peace knowing your partner’s status as well. Checking yourself is trusting yourself and when you say you have a clean bill of health, you know how true and recent that is. Sex is so much more fulfilling when you and your partner know exactly where you both stand on sexual health.


Have sex, do it safely, know your status… and your partners.