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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

With warm temperatures upon us, you might find yourself outside of your home a bit more. There’s always an activity for you to do. During the hustle and bustle of New York City life, how can you keep in touch with your closest friends? Rather, how can you maintain those bestie-relationships that make up for majority of your personality?

Women Friendships


If you prefer to text, then text. If you prefer to call, then call. While in-person time may be more valuable and strengthening, you must remember that your schedules may not always align. If you are tired of playing phone tag, be sure to schedule a time where you can video-chat with your friend especially if they live in another city or borough.

There are pros and cons to checking in and staying in touch through the phone. One of the biggest negatives to this is checking-in through social media. So what you spend 5 minutes of your day watching every Snapchat and Instagram story of your best friend! Step away from the DM and simply text them.

One of the important things to remember here is that you have to know that it is okay if your friend is not available. They may have significant others, be stressed from work, faced with depression, and so forth. Your job as a friend is to not that it is okay. Don’t throw them any shade. You want to maintain your relationships, not diminish them.


Any plans will do. Ladies night. Fellas night. Game night. Biking together. Walking together. Going bowling. Be sure to make plans and stick to the times that you agree with.


Schedule a bit of self-care for the two or three of you. This might be hard since everyone has two to three jobs, but if this can be done, then you’ll have something to text about for a week or so.

One of the best places I can recommend is HeyDay in SoHo. A 30-minute facial will run you about $60. If you rarely see your friends, this is a great way to catch up. At HeyDay, they will tailor your specific treatment to help you achieve those skincare goals you always wish you had.


No matter how busy anyone is, everyone has to eat. Use those lazy Sundays to schedule a meal-prep day with your best buds. You can catch up from the past week and begin to plan ahead. Not into meal prepping, then invite everyone over for a meal and cook it together. This is also a great way to save money too. Living in NYC is not always the cheapest, but these are some great alternatives.


Relationships are what keeps us going. Without friends and social interactions, life can be difficult and scary. Maintaining friendships is a two-way street. It takes two. Take some time to reflect and see if you have been a good friend lately. If not, then it is time to check in and let your friends know that you miss them, love them, and look forward to spending some time with them soon. Want to live better and be better, see the checklist below to be sure you’ve been a good friend lately:

  •     Have you reached out in the past 72 hours?
  •     Did you listen to them instead of ranting about your own life?
  •     Were you there for them during the ups and downs?
  •     Have you set aside time for them lately?