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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

You’ve heard of restaurant and clothing pop-up shops, right?  They’re usually temporary spaces used to create a lasting impression about a specific brand.  And sometimes pop-ups are used to gauge interest for purposes of establishing a long-term physical presence for that particular brand.  But what if there was a fertility care pop-up that supports and informs you about your fertility health? Would you wait in line for that?  That’s exactly what fertility startup Kindbody is doing. More than 150 women showed up to receive a “fertility assessment” in the first week of August inside the Kindbody fertility van.  Kindbody offered complimentary fertility tests at the first mobile fertility pop-up on 25th Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City. 

Kindbody’s fertility van provides information about a woman’s fertility potential.  Factors to consider in making such a determination include hormone levels, age, gynecological/anatomical considerations, medical history/lifestyle, and genetics.

According to its Web site, Kindbody is “a community of healthcare providers, fertility specialists, and women who get it.” The startup is on a noble mission to “democratize and de-stigmatize women’s health and fertility care, making it accessible, intuitive, and empowering.” Kindbody’s mission is important because it provides resources that facilitate a woman’s ability to take the necessary time in finding the right partner while pursuing her passions and interests.  The start-up also provides information with respect to factors to consider when making the decision to freeze your eggs.


Egg-freezing is now a job perk

Egg freezing can cost $12,000 to $20,000 for a single round of treatment, which doesn't always produce enough eggs. While most insurance companies don’t cover fertility treatments, companies like Apple, Facebook, and Google are realizing the significance of women having more fertility options available to them.  These companies offer female employees the chance to freeze their eggs as a job perk. “Recognizing this desire, tech companies happily spend tens of thousands of dollars per employee to offer the perk, claiming the high cost is worth employees' peace of mind.”  When you undergo the procedure, eggs are harvested from your ovaries, frozen unfertilized and stored for later use

However, certain critics claim that subsidized egg-freezing is a diversion from instituting more family-friendly policies in the workplace.  Are companies that pay for their female employees to freeze their eggs advocating that women should put off motherhood in favor of their careers?  Moreover, studies suggests that “the widespread use of frozen eggs for in vitro fertilization is too recent a phenomenon for any research on the effects on children’s health.” 

Nevertheless, women may feel a sense of relief in preserving their ability to have a child when the time is right in the future.  There’s a sense of pressure to settle down and find a partner during a woman’s most “fertile years.” So if you feel as if your biological clock “is ticking like this,” as Marissa Tomei’s character in “My Cousin Vinny” said, and you’re sad you missed out on the opportunity to better understand your fertility health in August, you can still attend one of Kindbody’s fertility pop-ups.  Kindbody offers a sign up on its Web site to get first dibs on booking an appointment at its next fertility pop-up