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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Netflix & Chill seems to work wonders for those living the single life. It is a two-for-one offering of awesome. You not only get to watch an anticipated film or binge a favorite TV series but with the desired company. N&C is low risk and high reward. It is cost effective (take out > 4 star restaurant), ensures that the date always produces a positive (worst case, you finally caught that doc everyone's been raving about), and, of course, allows the best opportunity for intimacy (most freaks come out when only two eyes are a TV-lit room).

The problem is Netflix & Chill has been adopted by people who aren't single.  According to some experts, relationships suffer at the hands of N&C. It allows for laziness and ultimate complacency. While the hang can enhance the sex life of the single and free, it does the opposite for couples. Once two people have been together for a certain amount of time and surpassed the stomach butterflies "I hope they like me naked" phase, their union requires work (effort at the minimum). N&C removes any ambition to strive for a closer connection without the coitus.