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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Pratyahara is a Sanskrit word that translates as, “drawing inward”.  Holding prime importance in the Yogic tradition, Pratyahara is the practice of pulling our attention away from external stimuli and distractions. So that we are able to redirect our focus inward.

New Yorkers are bombarded daily with every distraction known to Man. The second we walk outside, this part of the Yogic Path might even be more challenging to us than the most advanced Yoga posture.  


With the help of Castel Valere-Couturier’s company Sound Off,  distracted New Yorkers are now better able to turn off the interference through the latest phenomenon of “Silent Yoga”. Valere-Couturier, the SEO of Sound Off, a production company that provides wireless audio solutions for events with the use of wireless LED noise-canceling headphones.

He was inspired to start his company four years ago at a silent disco in Israel, where participants were using similar headsets on the patio of a nightclub. Last summer, he realized that the technology could be used in yoga classes, especially outdoor classes that have no shortage of sound issues and disturbances.


For the New Yorker who has shied away from summertime outdoor yoga, now has no more excuses, not to Namaste:

Perks of “Silent Yoga”

  1. Hear the instructors clearly in outdoors.

No more straining to hear the voice of the instructor. The noise isolating headsets that the yogis wear have a clear maximum coverage range of 500 yards. The instructor’s cues are clearly audible, as well as the chill house music mixed by a live DJ. The yogi can adjust the volume of the voice and music separately from the headset.


  1. Lessen distractions.

No longer will the outdoor yogi have to tolerate the sounds of passing cars or aircraft flying overhead during their Om-session. Sound Off’s agile headphones cancel out all ambient noise and thus, quiet the usual distractions that notoriously surface during class.


  1. Sharpens your attentiveness

The purpose of Yoga is the practice of quieting the chatter of the mind. Without having to strain yourself to focus to hear the voice of the instructor or enduring the normal NYC sound disturbances, we can truly withdraw our senses inward and go deeper into the practice.

We can become more connected with the instructor simply because we can hear them better. No more of having to look at what other people are doing on their mats when we can’t hear clearly. When the instructor’s directions are audible, we are less likely to feel lost in class.

  With other unnecessary noise canceled out, we can become more conscious in the way we breathe and thus, allow us to move with more finesse and with more precision. Through inward sense withdraw,  we can quiet the frantic chatter of the mind, become less preoccupied with the passing judgments on others who we may be practicing next to, or thinking about the way we might look. Our energy can be directed toward making our movements more intentional and focus our attention on feeling the subtitles that arise within. Through concentrated practice, our attentiveness becomes more refined, sharpening our ability to hear and feel more minute complexities in own bodies and well as in our external environment after we have rolled up our mats.  

Recalibrating our attention inward instead of focusing our energy on what is happening or going on in our external environment