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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

I am single this week. What the fuck do I do?


No need to stress this. Not this week, last week or the next.


February 14th is a beautifully cheesy day for some couples. And that is great. And for some, it is Single Awareness Day. And this is great too. There is nothing wrong with being single. Holidays should not be times where we feel bad and begin to question our self- worth.

Here is a friendly reminder to celebrate all the love you experience on a daily basis. The people, places, and the practices that make you feel whole. Such as your family, friends, coworkers, trainers, gym buddies, role models and people who inspire you, your beloved pets, hobbies, and even the baristas you see daily at your local coffee shop.

Similar to a gratitude list, take time to appreciate all of the loved ones and relationships that exist in your life.

The best way to spend your energy, and thoughts this week are to pay close attention to your self-care and love.


Here are 10 Ways to Love Yourself Abundantly

“If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” - RuPaul said it best.

  1. Accept that you can not fulfill healthy relationships and connections with people if you do not love yourself.
  2. Try something new and out of your comfort zone
  3. Accept that it is normal to go through phases where you grow out of friendships, romances, jobs, etc.
  4. Don’t overextend yourself, be realistic about your commitments. It is ok to say no.
  5. Be honest with yourself, and others
  6. Dip your toes in meditation and take your pleasure seriously ;)
  7. Try not to take yourself and life too seriously. Have fun!
  8. Be kind to others. It really does feel good #KindnessisGangsta
  9. Ask for help when you need it!
  10. Looking for unique, and fun wellness activities check out Wellvyl’s event calendar


Did these tips help? Or do you have more ways that we can focus on self-love and care to share? Let us know in the comments!