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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Bring your Workout Outside

Exercising outside is good for you!

You live in NYC and that means you’re also really busy.  Warmer weather means more outdoor hangouts and parties. It also means less time for getting to the gym.  And maybe you don’t feel like being within the confines of closed doors when the weather is so nice and refreshing.  Let NYC be your gym. What I mean is: bring your workout to the urban outdoors that is NYC!

The advantages of outdoor workouts are endless.  Research suggests that exercising outside provides more benefits than indoors, like “greater feelings of revitalization and positive engagement, decreases in tension, confusion, anger, and depression and increased energy.”

Taking your workout to NYC’s great outdoors also saves money.  Lots of gyms will let you freeze your membership for a period of time or you can just cancel it until you’re too cold to workout outside.  Outdoor exercise is also a way to get your daily dose of vitamin D through sunlight. Vitamin D is important because it helps your body sustain normal levels of calcium and phosphorus.  It also helps keep your muscles, nerves and immune system healthy

But where am I supposed to get my workout in?

Now I know at least one thing you might be thinking…this is NYC – where am I supposed to workout outside?  What if I don’t live near Central Park? Not to worry! NYC Parks is offering hundreds of FREE group fitness events all over the five boroughs this summer to help you stay in shape.  From Tai Chi in Bryant Park to waterfront Zumba in Queens and guided meditation in the Bronx – you should have no issues trying to find the type of fitness class you’re looking for.  And if you prefer to workout on your own, many NYC parks offer free fitness equipment

If you’re looking for something a little more unconventional, there’s always Plogging.  The term “Plogging” is the combination of the words “pick up” and “jogging.”  It’s an exercise originating in Sweden that encourages participants to clean up the streets by adding squats and lunges to your jog while picking up litter. Not sure where to plog?  Free & Fit NYC meets at the Highline Hotel to walk, jog or run whilst picking up litter on the Chelsea Waterside. You’ll be provided with biodegradable gloves and bags!   And on that rare occasion you’re not in a rush, try getting out of the subway one or two stations before your stop and walk the rest of the way to wherever you have to be.  And while not free, there’s also the option of grabbing a Citi Bike or kayaking with the Brooklyn Bridge Boathouse at Brooklyn Bridge Park

Why are you still on a treadmill?!

Still not convinced?  Getting to the closest local park, taking a “plog” around the city, or walking instead of public transportation is also a great way to meet people and potentially run into familiar faces.  And if you’re participating in an organized activity, it’s an easy way to make friends and connect with others that care about wellness and fitness. While exercise improves your physical well-being, human interaction, meaningful connections, and positive relationships improve mental health.  So at this point, it may be a good idea to uncurl your fingers from around your phone or turn off that show you’ve been binging on Netflix, and step outside to your urban gym and make some good, old real-life social connections!