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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Summer is an exciting time for New Yorkers.  Finally, we are free from the unpredictability of spring weather.  We can anticipate bright and shiny days ahead. And for many, summer means new wellness goals that we set for ourselves which may include images of healthy, glowing, and smooth skin.  It’s possible that the brutal, New York winters cause us to idealize the summer season, which leads us to forget about the humidity and harshness of the sun’s rays in addition to all the annoying New York summer problems like sunburn, heat rash and bug bites.  Not to fear! Wellvyl has some quick fixes for those summer wellness woes.



Obviously, you should ALWAYS apply SPF before heading outside.  But I know that sometimes you just don’t feel like it, or you’re in a rush, or maybe you did apply it earlier that day but you simply forgot to reapply.  And as a result, you may end up with a painful, ugly sunburn. “If you do find yourself burned, immediately drink cold ice water to keep your body temperature down and internally hydrate.” Any anti-inflammatory, such as Motrin, Tylenol, and aspirin are also effective ways of treating the pain that comes with a sunburn.   According to the American Academy of Dermatology, lotions that have Aloe Vera in them help make your skin feel better when it’s burned. But you have to examine the ingredients closely because lotions or creams with petroleum, benzocaine, or lidocaine have the potential to cause more harm than help. Lotions with petroleum trap the heat in your skin which is the opposite of what you would want when you have a sunburn.


Heat Rash

According to the New York State Department of Health, heat rash is a skin irritation that looks like a red cluster of pimples or small blisters. Hot, humid weather brings on this rash, in which clogged sweat ducts trap perspiration under the skin. Natural remedies to soothe heat rash include mixing one cup of baking soda and four drops of lavender oil and adding this mixture to a tepid bath and applying chilled chamomile tea topically to the area. And it’s a good idea to consult your physician if your heat rash doesn’t go away on its own after a few days.


Bug Bites

Bug bites are painful and itchy, and it’s even worse when they appear on your face.  We sometimes forget that insects like mosquitos, bees, and spiders like to make guest appearances during those New York summer months.  And sometimes those bites seem to just come out of nowhere – without warning! Jennifer Reichel, M.D., a Seattle-based dermatologist says that itching and scratching those bites with unwashed hands can make them vulnerable to infection. Reichel recommends applying a topical steroid cream like hydrocortisone, which is available over the counter.  If you prefer an at-home remedy, using a thick layer of sandalwood paste or fuller’s earth soaked in rose water on the affected area of the skin can aid in reducing the skin allergies caused due to the insect bites. And if you can’t stop scratching the area, try mixing baking soda with water to create a paste, and apply to the bitten areas to reduce itching.  Instead of applying coverup to the area, it’s better to let your skin breathe and heal. But if the bite seems inflamed, it’s always a smart idea to consult your dermatologist!


As always, prevention is better than a cure when it comes to New York’s sun-related problems.  While it’s enjoyable to hang outside with friends and family, make sure you’re limiting your sun exposure to avoid those summer wellness woes!