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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

This past Spring at Wellvyl's Brunch at Double Zero, I met such a dynamic woman by the name of Tawny. She was bright, nice, good conversation. She was beautiful from the inside and out. And on such a genuine journey towards becoming the best version of herself. It was inspiring. She chose to be sober and was now learning so much about herself.

Now here we are, at her Sobrietea Holiday Party, and she was close to celebrating 3 years of her sobriety. Working at Wellvyl, we talk a lot about safe spaces. We want to provide them and make sure that the entire spectrum of the health and wellness customer feel comfortable enough to talk and make new connections with other people at our venues and events. This includes the sober community. One of the communities that may need this the most.

While becoming sober, Tawny realized that there was not a lot of fun, sober spaces for her to socialize with other like-minded people. She decided to create the events that she craved. And this is how Sobritea was born. Thanks to her supportive team, Tawny has been able to provide a safe space and programming for the sober community. A place where you can share your and celebrate your journey and Sober birthdays. It is a pretty special thing.

I attended the Holiday Party after reconnecting with Tawny via Instagram. I was excited to attend a Sobritea event, for a number of reasons. In addition to supporting our new friend in Tawny. Beth, our community builder came with me. We immediately were caught off guard when we learned from Tawny herself that there was going to all interactive activities that night. We expected a reading. So this was such a good thing for us to meet and mingle with each other.

When you entered the newly renovated HUB Seventeen space in the basement of Lululemon, there was a good amount of people. Some familiar with each other, some not. After some mingling, we all got into a circle and played a fun game where we sang songs to each other. The events coordinator Jill's energy was unreal. It was so infectious and it was not long until we all wore big grins on our faces ready for what is next.

We sat at the tables where we felt the word talked to us. The words were scattered throughout the room. I sat at celebrate because it was nearly empty. And I wondered, why is such a positive word so empty. I was joined by two others. One was a young woman who worked in social work and was possibly leaving her current job for one better. The young man was a week shy of his 1-year sober birthday. They each soon had reasons to celebrate if everything went according to plan.

We all shared and got to know each other better. Soon, there was the writing exercise. This was led by Tawny herself and it was time to free write. And as we wrote, not stopping, she would throw random words out there and we had to change our writing to include the word. It was a way to get out of the routine words we tend to use when writing or talking to ourselves. And I am sure this was a good way to get us all thinking.

Overall it was a fun event. Eye opening when it came to how to attend events with sober communities and relate to people. We never want it to seem like we are invading a safe space. Or wanting to take away what makes these events special. I can not wait to attend another Sobritea event. Thank you for the invite Tawny!


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