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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Spring is in the air! With that we find ourselves beginning to come out of hibernation and into the living world of sunshine. Many of us also find ourselves sticking to resolutions of health as we begin, or perhaps get more serious about, our exercise and overall health. The result of all this movement is usually a desperate need of a massage or general self TLC.

Recently I began to scour the internet for the best massage at a reasonable price. In this search, I began to realize an ugly truth. In our city self-care or preventative measures for health, sadly is a privilege, not a right. Instead of becoming discouraged by this I began to think of the melting pot our city also is.  We are home to many people from different cultures and customs promote self-care (often more than we do in the states.) With this mindset of "health for all" also comes world lessons of affordable self-care practices.

The average cost of a 60-minute massage in NYC is between $100- $150. Accounting for the general expenses of rent- which really is ‘too damn high’, food, and basic living cost it doesn’t take a Ph.D. to realize the pool of choice to ‘treat yo self’ is left for the elite. But this isn’t the case for our fellow humans across the globe. From eastern cultures of routine massages to new European practices to protect employees off time, there is a global shift that is beginning to recognize the importance of giving people the space to rest and rejuvenate.

Before we all pack our bags to become expats, let’s take a bit less drastic measure and see what regimens we can incorporate into our lives here and now. With that, here are five adaptably affordable lessons of self-care for the everyday New Yorker.

Self-Care Lessons from China

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In China, traditional medicine often includes massages.  There is a foundational understanding of the physical relationship to toxins and chemical blocks in our bodies. Through routine massages, cupping and acupuncture our chi (or life energy) flow more freely. The result? Organs improve vitality and health. Lucky for us there are a lot of options to find affordable massages that offer cupping in the city.  Try Four Seasons by NYU if you’re looking for a spot.


Self-Care Lessons from India

Image result for ayurvedicOriginating over 3,000 years ago in India, Ayurvedic living promotes mindfulness towards your general lifestyle. The Ayurvedic lifestyle is holistically aligned to your unique body. Through examining your body type and various characteristics (such as skin type and personality traits) you are given a ‘dosha’ makeup.  Your dosha allows you to learn how to best exercise, eat, and align with what your body needs to balance your energy. (Take a quiz to find your dosha here.)

Self-Care Lessons from Sweden

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Many famous quotes nod to the importance not of actions but of how we do things. (Think ‘it’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.’) Let's apply this to our morning ‘fuel’ or coffee. Coffee in America is viewed with a "don't’ talk to me till I’ve had my morning cup” mentality while in Sweden, they see the importance of coffee in a different light. Fika is the concept to have coffee as a mindful break intended for colleagues and friends. It gives a rejuvenation to your day and promotes community- it’s even a verb. Need a Fika routine? Schedule a daily 30-minute meeting with your ‘cubby buddy’ or ‘work wife’ where you take a nice walk to the local coffee shop and grab a bite and chat. (You can even bring some treats/ coffee/tea from your house and save a little $$).

Self- Care Lessons from Spain

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One of the most commonly known self-care treatments is a siesta. Historically connecting to Spain (as well as many Latin countries) Siestas is an intentional time where you take rest (or a quick nap) after lunch.  Many places in the states have started to recreate this idea of siestas. With sleeping rooms and pods becoming more popular we’re starting to catch on to the importance of a mid-afternoon nap. Need some help on settling into rest? Check out our article on Yoga Nidra.

Self-Lessons from France

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Recently our friends across the pond have initiated a law begun to uphold employees sacred weekends. Among other things, this law is intended to help prevent burnout. It allows employees to a right to ignore messages sent late in the night as well as over the weekend. Called ‘The Right to Disconnect’ this newly instated policy instates a much-needed break we need to disconnect from the stresses of work.  It also promotes routine rejuvenation and recharging. Currently, we might not be able to completely disconnection but we can begin to set rules for ourselves. By having honest talks with our managers about when our “no talk” times are as well as using our “do not disturb” options on our phones we will begin to disconnect from our info-obesity and find space to find a reconnection with ourselves- the ultimate self-care.

Try incorporating these five tips into your daily routine and let us know which one was your favorite to try!