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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

They usually say that “imitation is the best form of flattery” but what happens when those lines become blurred?


There is a fine line between representation and mockery and many people don't seem to realize that. Here is the definition of both below according to


Mockery: An imitation, especially of a ridiculous or unsatisfactory kind or something absurdly or offensively inadequate or unfitting.


Representation: The expression or designation by some term, character, symbol, or the like.


We as a people are all guilty of mocking others, whether it's how they look, act, or speak, we tend to do it, even if we don't realize it. Mockery is learned behavior and it is something that been done for years. For example, during the early 1800s, African Americans were often imitated by white people who would wear black paint on their faces and do stand up pretending to be black. Black-face is still happening to this very day.


We, as people, also try to represent for others as much as we possibly can. You see it when you go to your favorite team game, a concert, a parade, or any other event. Many people are there to show love by wearing jerseys, shirts with the team logo or colors, concert shirts with the artist's logo, etc. Representation is a form of showing love and respect but it can also have its downside.


As I mentioned before, with the mockery of blackface by white people during the 1800s, those same people also thought that how blacks should be represented, as a joke, less than most, and seen as nothing. The lines here have been blurred here, a lot, which caused a stigma for a long time.


Mockery is not a great thing and needs to stop. Representation is much appreciated with the lines being blurred with mockery.