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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

The other night in Brooklyn, the stand-up comedian Sean Patton said his Uber driver asked him, “Would you rather know how you die or when you die?” He joked that he’d rather know when he died as opposed to knowing how because he’d never be able to fully live his life if he knew how. He would constantly be looking for what will eventually kill him. I kept thinking about the philosophical concept of I think; therefore, I am. The fact that I am alive and present in the moment should be my primary focus on being happy.

There is science to back all this up. The New York Times article, How Our Beliefs Can Shape Our Waistlines by Gretchen Reynolds says, “A recent epidemiological study suggests that our beliefs about how much we exercise may substantially influence our health and longevity, even if those beliefs are objectively inaccurate.”

So...the reason why I am so in shape and loving life is because my morning walks of three flights of stairs to get into my office accounts for most of my daily exercise. I get the recommended amount of cardio exercise and weight lifting three times a week from making love. It also means that I’ll live longer because on rainy days I walk to meet the Seamless driver at his car window when I order food so he doesn’t have to get wet. The article goes on to mention that as humans, our mortality is based on our perception of life.




The mind is a tricky thing. In this study published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information, they told a study group of 84 females that “they were meeting or exceeding national recommendations for 30 minutes of daily exercise,” A month after checking back in, the women lowered their blood pressure and body fat according to the Times article.

Our perception of people is what impacts our relationships with them. If we think negatively of someone, anything they do will be seen as bad in our eyes. Knowing this can be particularly useful when accidentally reading Trump’s tweets or how we view our yoga instructors. We might not be able to stop judging others, but it can help to begin to try and change our mindset on how we see others. Try it as a form of self-care amid the crazy city we live in.

When I tell people I am vegan because I want to live longer, some will smirk and say, “well you can get hit by a bus or cab and die instantly.” While that could be a true possibility in their mind, in my mind: I am a superhero and because I eat well any and all vehicles will bounce off me on impact. Placebo effort or nah? I think; therefore, I think not.  




When it comes to self-care, don’t compare. I try to surround myself with positive people and those that are beneficial to my life’s meaning and wellbeing. It is easy to find ourselves wanting better bodies after scrolling through Instagram. It is easy to find ourselves wanting more money after seeing friends purchase homes on our Facebook feeds. It is easy to say I am not good enough in comparisons with others.

Instead, worry about the things that are under the span of your control. Try to set reasonable goals. Try to think and speak in praise of others. Try to reshape the way we have been programmed to think about ourselves. You might want more in life, but you already have everything you need. We can’t be happy unless we change our mindsets. It is fundamental to live better and be better