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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

In our great city, we find ourselves residing in exceedingly intimate proximities along with one another. Our neighbors are three feet down the hall, right below us, behind us, above us, in the building next to ours, and steps down the block from us. Such close habitation can be a rich foundation to build thriving and supportive communities. However, a community can devolve into a crowd when residents choose to turn their Bose system to max volume, flooding the ether with painfully loud noise without regard to those who dwell around them.

When our apartment walls begin to vibrate from our neighbor’s excessive decibels, we must heed the call to preserve the sanctuary our closet apartment provides for us.  Below are a few things to consider:


  1. DO NOT “WAIT IT OUT”. Your neighbors WILL continue to blast their music until Kingdom Come. By not mentioning anything to them, your neighbors will assume that when they crank the volume on their speakers, the noise is as delightful to you as it is to them. By not addressing the issue immediately, resentment will only fester.  
  2. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. The obtrusive neighbor has no more right to the block or the building premises than we do. we pay an arm and leg for rent and thus entitled to a safe and peaceful living area.
  3. DO NOT FIGHT BACK. Resist the childish urge to counterattack by blaring your own loud music. Nothing positive can ever come from vengeance. This will also augment to the boisterous chaos and may result in having complaints or fines lodged against you from other residents. Take the high road and do not stoop to their level of inconsideration. Let’s not play, “who can be a more terrible neighbor”, put your energy into something more constructive.
  4. COMMUNICATE RESPECTFULLY. If the continuous clamor resounding from next door propels you into a fit of anger, drink a glass of water to cool the flames of your fury. The last thing that your neighbor is going to want to do is lower his volume if you storm over in a screaming rage that is more thunderous and frightening. This immediately initiates the confrontation and decreases the likelihood of civility in future encounters.  
  5. JUSTIFY YOUR OBJECTION. Regardless if it is Friday night, Saturday afternoon, or the damn Super Bowl,  they DO NOT validate your neighbor’s reasons for reverberating such racket. The “city that never sleeps” is the city that expects you to always work, no matter what time or what day it is. The main purpose for the WiFi connection in your apartment is so you can access your work documents during the illusion of “down time”. Explain your imperative work obligations to your rowdy adjacent resident. Ideally, the reasons behind your objection to his noise can elicit some empathy on the part of your neighbor, because I am sure he also has to work hard to pay his rent too. By emphasizing the importance of your work, you are more likely to build a report based on mutual respect. Your pal next door will not see you like that annoying “Turn that sh*t down!” neighbor. Instead, the former disturber of your productivity will be more considerate and conscientious of his nose.  
  6. CALL ON A HIGHER POWER. When our polite persistence to quell the noise appears to be in vain, and it may seem that we are forsaken in our struggles for peaceful habitation, there is higher power who can intervene on our behalf - the landlord and the cops. If our repeated attempts to implore our neighbors to cease their disturbances have failed, then the landlord and cops have the authority to prompt them to desist. Police can issue fines and even charge your neighbors with a misdemeanor. If the landlord learns of these repeated police visits, they can fine or evict The tenants who flat out refuse to resolve repeated noise complaints filed against them.    


Our home is a space that enables us to take care of ourselves and our community is a place that encourages us to take care of one another. Though we may see our apartments as our personal enclaves detached from urban populous, we are still inextricably connected to those who only appear to be separated by a veil of sheetrock and drywall.