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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Every human is capable of meditation, and we want to demystify this practice so that inner peace is accessible to everyone. We all want inner peace. Let's get into it.

What is Meditation?

A practice of quieting the restlessness of the mind to help train one’s attention to maintain awareness on the present moment.

Who can do Meditation?


Meditation is not exclusive to either gender nor is it considered “soft” to cultivate stillness of mind
Meditation is accessible to everyone of all races, ethnicities, and economic classes
There is NO age requirement or age cut-off. Some elementary schools even devote a portion of the school day to helping children develop a meditation practice.

Where can I practice Meditation?


Meditation is not just for the silent Zen monasteries or sunrises on a secluded beach. Whether you are in an elevator, standing in line at Trader Joe’s, or sitting on the subway, our lives offer boundless opportunities to explore and apply the practices of meditation.

What do you need for Meditation?


In addition to your breath, what is most important for any meditation practice is an open mind and a willingness to set aside time to just be still.

Try this One-Minute Mindfulness Meditation



What has your relationship with meditation been? Have you mastered it or do you still need a little guidance? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

And if you really want to spice it up try this: Meditation & Masturbation