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| By Wellvyl Media Editorial

Growing up there has always been this concept of what gender does what around the house. For example, being that I grew up with the majority of females and one male, the chores were evenly split between myself, my sister, and my two cousins and my brother didn’t have to do much of anything except keep his room clean.

These particular chores included cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the bathroom, collectively cleaning the living room, sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming the hallway, and making sure that our rooms were clean. It also included cooking dinner when we got older to do so. Now, as a child growing up, you don’t think much of it. You just know that it will shape you and prepare you for when it’s your turn to be an adult and how to keep your house kept and clean. But what happens to the men who don’t know the basics as they get older?  Did these gender roles play a harmful part in it all?

Some may say no, but I believe that it has. Since the beginning of time, it was instilled in us that the women’s role was to maintain the home meaning for them to cook and clean for the man while the man is to be the breadwinner of the family.  But as time changed, this ideology stayed the same. There are many men who have to depend on a woman to cook for them or to clean for them because they were never taught to do so on their own when they were younger. It’s not fair but that is what’s happening, but how do prevent this cycle from continuing? Everything begins at home. I believe that in the household there should be no gender roles when it comes down to doing chores. If the girl has to learn how to cook and clean so should the boy. It will help them both develop a sense of independence for when they get older. It will also become a generational thing to break the gender role and harmful cycle of only the female doing the chores. And let’s be real, women don’t want a lazy man and men don’t want a lazy woman either.

I say break the gender roles and make everything equal between the boys and girls, men and women, husband and wife.